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RICO from Ground Shatter

A Procedurally-generated FPS, where you play as a Police officer is a RICO task force taking down criminal gangs with many different weapons. You move around the levels breaching doors, killing bad guys, defusing bombs, collecting intel and money. It has a few different modes including a horde mode called Lockdown, daily challenges Local and Online Co-op campaign, leader boards which all adds to the replayability of the game.

Blood Waves

An Endless Zombie Survival Wave game with a hint of Tower Defense. You can build traps as well as buying, leveling up both traps and Weapons to help kill the Zombies and survive. The Game takes place in one room for all waves. The controls (for building and Weapons combat) are okay but could use some work and there is no story.

Awesome Pea

A simple clean platformer with simple clean controls. It has a old school Gameboy art style, soundtrack and feel. Easy to pick up and play but a little short on levels.

Riddled Corpses EX

A Twin-stick shooter with a pixel art-style and good controls. It has an addictive grind to get enough gold to unlock and level up the characters as most of the characters have an extra ability. It also has power ups and a hint of RPG. It has interesting levels, crazy bosses and a few different game play modes.

Full Blast

A Retro style shoot-em-up that has that old school feeling. Simple controls, rock music soundtrack and power-ups. A few different kinds of enemies keeps the game from going stale.

Odium To The Core

A side scroller music based game with a single button controls, crazy soundtrack and a simple yet great art style. The game play is fun and frustrating at the same time and hitting a checkpoint never felt so good as well as needed.


A side scrolling shoot-em-up, with a hint of RPG in ship upgrades and skills. You can replay levels for earn other rewards as well as the option to re-roll the level rewards for something more useful. The controls are good, the combat is hard but gets better the more powerful your ship becomes and the soundtrack has a retro feel to it.

Big Crown Showdown

A fun couch co-op platformer with several levels, cute characters, crazy hats and combat. The online has a bunch of options including Custom games. Sadly the online is a little dead at the moment for this fun game.

Hellfront :Honeymoon

A twin-stick strategy shooter with Awesome Music, really fun to play and an addictive “just one more try” feel. As well as online leaderboards for beating the level as fast as possible, which added to the one more try addiction.

Demetrios – The Big Cynical Adventure

A point and click game with an fun art style, a crazy sense of humor and an interesting story. You get “hints” from eating cookies that you find in random places and sometimes places you would hope never to find a cookie. It has mini games that you will enjoy and drive you crazy at the same time as well as some crazy Game Over screens that will make you laugh and wonder what just happened.

Energy Cycle Edge

Just like the first game Energy Cycle its a clean looking puzzle game and uses the same mechanic as the first game. They have added a lot more puzzles (44), more colors for the orbs and now the options to rotate the puzzles which add to the difficulty. The puzzles become very challenging and frustrating but are rewarding to complete. If you liked the first game and want a challenge check it out.

Energy Cycle

A clean looking puzzle game that uses orbs of light that change color to complete the puzzle. It starts out simple to let you learn and understand what is needed to complete the levels (28 in total) and ramps up the difficultly at a nice pace. It becomes very satisfying to finish the later puzzles.


A crazy game where you get pulled behind a sentient motorcycle. It has crazy combo’s, counters, even QTE moments and a lot of comedy. Bunches of upgrades for the motorcycle, tones of extra, behinds the scenes videos, pictures, audio and Concept Art.

Zazmo Arcade Pack

All of the mini-games from Boss 101 with some interesting twists, Co-op, VS, AI and New modes for the games. If you enjoyed the mini-games this will put a smile on your face.

Boss 101

Side scrolling shmup with a build a boss feature. Very addictive gameplay with a lot of replay-ability with an endless boss room, huge amount of weapons, character customization (hats&powers), pets, arcade mini-games and a room to relax and fly a kite.


A nice relaxing swimming sim with a lot of different sea life to explore and enjoy. It even has meditation spots and lets you ride a shark.

Titan Fall

Fast paced FPS, wall running, bunny hopping, lots of weapons, 7 different game modes, 10 maps and Titans.


A very colorful fast paced running platformer, a lot of crazy characters and some from characters from other games you might know and like. Lots of levels and lots of fun





